Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Overcoming the "Mom Guilt"

Mom guilt is usually something EVERY mom deals with at some point. 

I was talking to a new friend about adjusting from one kid to two and it really got me reminiscing about those days. My oldest, Lydia, never took a nap anymore when Claire came into our family so there really wasn’t anyway I could always just sleep when the baby slept as so many people advised. I was exhausted, emotional, and the mom guilt creeped in a lot this time around. Even though this is normal for most mom's, that doesn't mean it's not hard.

I felt guilty for having Lydia watch a movie so I could take a nap while Claire napped, I felt guilty that I couldn’t give my FULL attention to Lydia anymore, and I felt guilty every time I tried to get a full 30 minute workout in. I KNEW that it was just a phase, but I found myself feeling overwhelmed about how I was going to keep this up everyday.

Looking back, I now see that I should not have been feeling guilty for ANY of it. I had a busy husband with no family close by so I just did what I needed to do. The fact is, I NEEDED sleep, I couldn’t give 100% of my attention to Lydia anymore, AND exercise was necessary for me to get on my journey back to feeling good about myself again.

If there are any mom’s out there going through a challenging stage.. just know that you are NOT alone. I know you probably hate to hear this, but it really is just a phase of life. It seems like it will never end, but looking back you'll see how quickly time did actually pass. Don’t let yourself get caught up in thinking how you’re going to keep it up for the next days, weeks, or months to come. Focus on ONE day at a time and search for things to be grateful for everyday.

Do the VERY best you can and know that it IS ENOUGH.



  1. I needed this today Hilary. Thank you!

    1. I am glad it helped!! I am sure every mom feels this way sometimes.
